7/13/2020 | Posted by
Pedro Bahniuk |
Most people think a website design is all about the prettylook and feel. That’s what most people think is the purpose of a website.Indeed, it is not the main purpose you should be looking for when creating awebsite. Any website must contain a pretty layout, but the SEO (search engineoptimization) is ...
6/5/2020 | Posted by
Pedro Bahniuk |
Creating a website sounds an easy task to accomplish. In reality, a lot of things happen in this process. The first thing needed is planning. It is critical to understand the customer needs and the interactions to provide a detailed website appealing to what industry they are in. Looking for one ...
6/5/2020 | Posted by
Pedro Bahniuk |
During difficult times, lies opportunities. Take advantage of this moment to implement electronic signature of your business, facilitating the buying process . Saving both your and client's time , prioritizing safety due to the virus and most important caring about our mother nature. As technology ...
4/8/2020 | Posted by
Carlos Sarti |
Our economy is changing drastically in response to the coronavirus outbreak. We need to adapt quickly to our new reality; at home, in our community and at work - social distancing. Now more than ever, business owners everywhere need to re-evaluate how technology can be used to produce ...
10/1/2019 | Posted by
Carlos Sarti |
20% of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% of small businesses fail in their second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business. Finally, 70% of small business owners fail in their 10th year in business. Consequences of not having the right technology to ...
9/22/2019 | Posted by
Carlos Sarti |
Not all the people that have shown interest in your products or services with advertising efforts are going to become customers. Usually a very small percentage will end up closing a deal. Whether they are not ready to buy yet or they decide to continue shopping around. Are you aware what is the ...