After Creating Website What To Do

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Unfortunately NOT!

Probably, you are doing business for many years, but your online business is new on-line. You just bought the domain name, it is not even indexed by the search engines, after few days if you were to type your domain name at the browser address bar, your company will come up. But if a customer is to type or search for your products or services, unfortunately for now, it will not come up or be found at the search engine's page results.

The good news is, that eventually it will!

There few things you need to consider;

  • After creating your business website, you need to consider it as a branch of your business.
  • Your traditional business, to be found requires you invest time and resources, your online business (website) requires the same.
  • You need to advertise your traditional and your online business (constantly).
  • For your website to improve page ranking within the search engines, you need to constantly add new relevant content.

A well-tuned website will increase the probability people will find your business online after customers search for your products and services through out the search engines. dotFRONT website solution integrates a easy to use SEO meta tag manager so you do not have to manually edit the source code to optimize the different sections of your business website.

After you are logged into your back office account, from the left menu (WEBSITE MANAGER) -> click on CMS & WEBSITE BUILDER, on the right pane you will find all the web pages that were created for your website.

right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the internet.

To properly optimize your website you need to add Titles, description and keywords on all the page that were created on your website.

right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the internet.

To have the probability to be found enter the main keywords & keyword phrases best that describes your products and services in the TITLE TAG, we recommend not more than 50 - 70 characters including spaces, commas. 

At the DESCRIPTION TAG enter a brief description of what the your products and services were enter in the TITLE tag are all about, consider entering misspells, abbreviations, and locations. we recommend not more than 150 - 200 characters including spaces, commas.

At the KEYWORD META TAGS enter different keywords and keyword phrases separated by commas.  We recommend not more than 150 - 200 characters including spaces, commas.

right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the internet.

Repeat this process for all the pages and sections on your website. Then proceed to submitting manually to the main search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing).

Before submiting your new website to the search engines, we highly recommend to add information to the META TAGS of your pages. Meta tags will provide information to the search engines so they can categorize and index your business better.

We highly recommend manually submitting your website pages to the search engines. The search engines give no guarantee of ranking your page because you have manually submitted it.

We recommend as a best practice do manual submission of your site's pages to Google, and Bing (Yahoo! is now using the Bing index) because they have made it apparent that it is what they prefer. The search engines have implemented manual submission as a best practice to protect themselves from extreme levels of spam.

When you submit a URL or domain name to the search engines, it could take anywhere from two to four weeks to get indexed. Sometimes your website will not get indexed after you submit it, if that occurs, wait four weeks and then resubmit the page again.

Submit Site to Google: [ Click Here Google Manual Submittion. ]

Submit Site to Bing: You will first need to have a Bing login, then go to Bing's Webmaster Tools page. Once logged in simply type in the URL of your homepage and press "submit". You will also want to have the URL for the .xml version of your sitemap readily available (dotFRONT solution integrates .xml site map page and can be found under WEBSITE MANAGER section "SITEMAP"), as it will ask for this in the first step of submitting your domain. After submitting you will have to verify ownership of the domain (If the domain name was purchased by dotFRONT, please contact us to help with the verification process). This can be a little tricky if you are not savvy with HTML, as you will need to add a small snippet of code to the header of your site in order to pass this verification process (To add the snipped of code on your website, under WEBSITE MANAGER go to ANALYTICS SCRIPT and paste the script into there). Once verified, you are finished!

Submit Site to Yahoo!: Since 2010, Yahoo search has been powered by Microsoft's Bing search engine. When you submit your site to Bing you will also show up in Yahoo's search results.

Questions?  Contact us for services to help you get indexed and customers to your website.

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